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ABOUt us

We are long-time best friends with a passion for design who desire to inspire and empower people to improve the spaces they inhabit.

Nicky Scott

My love for interior design begin when my husband and I purchased our first home.  It was a vacant short-sell that sat on the market for months before we purchased it. My journey to create a home I loved sparked an innate passion for design and resourcefulness.  Over the years, I became the go-to-person for DIY projects, space organization and plain old good advice when it came to decorating.


I’m a mom, wife, marketer and a natural at visualizing and managing design projects. I'm known for creating high-end style on a budget.  I know my strengths and weaknesses, when to hire help, where to save and when to splurge on that piece you love. Ultimately, my goal is to share my experiences to empower and inspire you to create spaces and lifestyles you will love.


Living a life which is authentic and beautiful is what I strive to achieve every day.  Interior design is a platform which gives me the opportunity to help others do the same. My southern sensibilities coupled with my candid nature have created my eclectic sense of humor and style in fashion and home decor that my clients love.


I'm confident in my ability to combine unexpected colors and patterns which create a space as unique as my clients. I like to take my cues from Earth. She is progressive, creative, supportive and always in fashion.

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